Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Isla Mujeres at last

We made the 334 mile run from Key West to Isla Mujeres arriving on Tuesday, May 29. The Makara left Key West at 1pm on Monday and made the run in under 20 hours. We ran with a 20 kt following wind into the Gulf Stream, where seas were 6-8 feet for much of the way. One lighting storm at 4am was the highlight of the trip. After a half a day to clear customs, immigration and get fishing permits, we are finally ready to begin tagging.

We will explore the fishing grounds today looking for feeding birds from the 170 foot line out to 250 feet. There seas are still pretty rough so we will wait another day to fish the Aerosmith Bank which is 20 miles offshore. Captain Ben from the Guarimba will join us today. He has been fishing here for 3 weeks and knows where the fish have been biting. So pictures, tag reports and stories will appear here later today. Best to all today.

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