Sunday, March 16, 2008

Heading Home

This is our last night in Tierra Del Fuego. We were still on the Rio Irigoyen today. Tomorrow we have a 5 hr ride to the airport, fly to BA then home to the US tomorrow night. We have been here 22 days, traveled all over the country, visited 5 different ecosystems, met some amazing people and learned much about conservation in Argentina. I know we will be back next year to work here.

My Mac crashed but we saved all the pictures. Internet is via slow sat dish here so I will post more pictures and video once I get back to the US. We are coming home with a heightened sense of the need for conservation education and change in how we manage our rivers and oceans. I will try to cover the important messages in the next week.

The Fall rains started today here. Hope we can get the truck back the 100 km over dirt roads to the highway. More tomorrow from BA. Best to all.


crazy salad said...

hey, guys: you are positively inspiring. Safe travels.

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