We have been staying at a lodge call Kau-Tapen on an estancia on the Rio Grande in Tierra Del Fuego for the past three days. There is a sea run brown trout study going on and we are participating, plus meeting with the scientist to talk about it and other projects here. One thing for sure: all the stories about the weather down here are true. The wind howls day and night. Must have been steady 25 mph today and we just fished thru it... you sort of forget about it and just keep casting. Had some good days. I tagged 4 fish yesterday on nine hours of fishing.
You have to remember that TDF, as it is called, is the southern most inhabited place in the world. It is the beginning of Fall here yet sunset is still 9:30pm. It is cold during the day: - 2, so fleeces, gloves, beanie and hood up to keep the wind off you. But sometimes the best bite is after dark so we fish til around 10:30pm. No headlamps - just stand in the river, fly cast in the dark, and if you hook a fish then the guide comes and turns on his headlamp.
The land here is flat, barren - almost no trees and windswept. The Estancia has tons of sheep and guanaco (shown above) that walk around and we see them every day. We fished yesterday with Max who is from Russia, lives outside of Moscow and works as a guide here in TDF and in Russia. Above is a picture of Max taking a scale sample for DNA analysis. Notice the red tag just below the dorsal fin. The internet here is dead slow so I get up before anyone else to do this report. Will try to upload more pics... time for breakfast. Best to all.
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