Thursday, March 20, 2008

What next?

I am back home in Jackson, WY working to document the expedition, places we visited, people we met and lay out an action plan for conservation projects in Patagonia.  The first step after unpacking and getting some sleep is inventorying the pictures and video.  We shot over 10,000 pictures and have over 12 hours of high definition video.  Gonna take some time to pull it all together and produce a summary video of the opportunity for conservation in Argentina.  I will try to update the blog with fresh pictures and video clips as soon as I can. 

At the same time we are moving forward on our two other major conservation projects.  The first one is the dolphin tagging program. We tagged over 300 fish in 2007 and are planning two expeditions in April and May to tag in the Bahamas.  Captain Steve and Captain Billy have been getting the Makara and Snafu ready to fish.  We are lining up tagging crews and will head out in a couple of weeks.

We also have a project working with the Henry's Fork Foundation starting in June in Idaho.  There is a major assessment of the fish habitat and ecosystem in the Caldera (see for more information) and we are both helping fund the work as well as conducting our own research project there.  In the true fashion of a family foundation, MVF will enlist the support of its favorite sons McCain, Carson, Joe Jr and Ben to help in the research effort.  We will be onsite and broadcasting live from the banks of the Henry's Fork River in late June.  Stay tuned for more... Best to all. 

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